
How does Copperx compare to its competitors?

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Frequently asked questions

Currently (as of Q2 2023), we are not charging any fees. However, starting in Q4 2023, there may be transaction fees. Our fees will be lower than those charged by other companies, 1%.

Our platform presently supports Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, and Solana. We’re continually working to broaden our network support and plan to include more networks in the future.

Yes, all ticket holders who purchased their tickets using Copperx will receive a transaction receipt containing all the necessary details.

With the help of payment links, accepting payments only takes about 5 minutes. Simply create a payment link and embed it on your event landing page or share it via social media. Alternatively, you can use our APIs to generate a checkout session in just seven lines of code.

See more FAQs →

Let's get started

Get paid faster with crypto payments. Instantly create an account or contact us for a custom package tailored to your business

Piers Technology Inc is a financial technology company, not a bank or a money services business. Certain services are provided by our licensed partners across the globe. By creating your account on Copperx, you agree to our terms and conditions, our partners' terms, to all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any and all applicable local laws.