Fixed Price,
No hidden Cost,
Global support


Start accepting payments with fees as low as 0.5%

Crypto Payment

Empower your business with a comprehensive set of tools to accept crypto payments seamlessly.

Multi-network support in a single checkout

Network IconNetwork IconNetwork IconNetwork IconNetwork IconNetwork IconNetwork IconNetwork Icon
  • TickPay with Browser wallet and QR Code
  • TickInstant withdraw to your wallet
  • TickEfficient refund management
  • TickTax and Promocode Support
  • TickFlexible payment models: one-time or recurring


per transaction, Plus gas fee on Ethereum and Tron.

Crypto Invoicing

Create and manage invoices with Copperx Invoicing.

  • TickHosted invoice page
  • TickOne-time and Recurring Invoice
  • TickSchedule Invoice


No fixed fees or setup costs

Crypto Recurring Billing

Automate your SaaS payments with ease.

  • TickSubscription management
  • TickApproval-based wallet debits
  • TickManual invoice billing options
  • TickAutomatic payment reminders


No fixed fees or setup costs


Expand your crypto payment capabilities with seamless integrations.

Top plugins and Extensions

Network IconNetwork IconNetwork IconNetwork IconNetwork IconNetwork IconNetwork Icon
  • TickE-Commerce plugins
  • TickZapier integration to connect 5000+ apps
  • TickLink your payments to QuickBooks and Xero
  • TickPlugin for Ghost and other tools


No fixed fees or setup costs

Payment Booster

Enhance revenue and conversion rates with advanced features.

  • TickCurrency conversion and Auto-swap
  • TickCustomers can pay using any token
  • TickPass processing fees and gas fees to customers


Per transaction

Accept Fiat

Streamline fiat card payments alongside crypto.

Accept Card payments with Stripe

Network IconNetwork IconNetwork Icon
  • TickUnified Fiat & Crypto Payments
  • TickSingle, easy-to-use dashboard


No fixed fees or setup costs

Marketplace Payment

Auto-split payment to multiple contributors

  • TickSplit payment
  • TickCustomizable API for marketplace transactions


Per transaction

Crypto Offramp

Accept crypto and settle in fiat

  • TickSupported 50+ countires
  • TickLocal and International offramp
  • TickThird-party offramps supported

Ready to get started?


Create a tailored package—ideal for businesses with high transaction volumes or unique business models

Contact Sales
Large Volume
Custom Token Integration
Custom Requirements

Frequently asked questions

You can check all supported networks and tokens here

Gas fees are charged for payments on the Ethereum and Tron networks. This fee is required for processing transactions. During busy network periods, the gas cost can be as high as $25 per transaction on Ethereum and $10 on Tron. To reduce the burden on businesses for micropayments, we offer the option to collect the payment processing gas cost from end customers.

Each payment will be credited to your wallet directly. Yes, the payment is instant.

Each payment will be credited to your wallet directly. If a customer requests a refund, you will need to provide the refund from your wallet manually. We offer an option in the dashboard to mark the transaction as refunded with a note where you can store the reason or refund transaction hash.

Yes, the Copperx payment gateway is non-custodial. We do not hold any payments. All payments will be withdrawn to your wallet only.

We have a manual tax management feature where you can list your tax and rate. You can include tax in payment links, invoices, and one-time payments.

Yes, you can accept card payments in a single checkout. You just need to connect your Stripe account with Copperx. Card payments are processed by Stripe and will be deposited to the bank account connected to Stripe. Copperx does not charge any additional fees for this service.

You cannot accept card payments and settle in crypto at the moment. However, if you have a large volume, please reach out to us.

See more FAQs →

Piers Technology Inc is a financial technology company, not a bank or a money services business. Certain services are provided by our licensed partners across the globe. By creating your account on Copperx, you agree to our terms and conditions, our partners' terms, to all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any and all applicable local laws.