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How to accept Bitcoin as payment

A Comprehensive Guide to Accepting Bitcoin Payments with Benefits, Types of Payment Systems, and Setting Up a Bitcoin Payment System.

Aditya sharma
Aditya sharma
Apr 25 2023


  • Overview of Bitcoin
  • Benefits of accepting Bitcoin
  • Types of Bitcoin Payment Systems

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that operates on a peer-to-peer network. It was created in 2009 by an anonymous person using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is not controlled by any central authority or financial institution and can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer network without the need for intermediaries.

Accepting Bitcoin payments can offer several benefits for businesses, including lower transaction fees, faster payment processing times, and increased security. In this blog, we will explore the different types of Bitcoin payment systems and how to accept Bitcoin payments.

Types of Bitcoin Payment Systems

There are two main types of Bitcoin payment systems: hosted and non-hosted. Hosted payment systems are those that are hosted by third-party providers, while non-hosted payment systems are those that are self-hosted by the merchant.

Hosted Payment Systems

Hosted payment systems are the easiest way to accept Bitcoin payments as a business. They are managed by third-party providers who take care of the payment processing, security, and other technical aspects of accepting Bitcoin payments. Some of the most popular hosted payment systems include:

Non-Hosted Payment Systems

Non-hosted payment systems require more technical knowledge and expertise to set up and manage. With non-hosted payment systems, the merchant is responsible for the payment processing, security, and other technical aspects of accepting Bitcoin payments. Some of the most popular non-hosted payment systems include:

How to Accept Bitcoin Payments

To start accepting Bitcoin payments, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Set up a Bitcoin wallet: A Bitcoin wallet is a digital wallet that allows you to store, send, and receive Bitcoin. You can choose from a variety of Bitcoin wallets, including online, mobile, desktop, and hardware wallets.
  2. Choose a Bitcoin payment processor: As mentioned earlier, you can choose between a hosted or non-hosted payment system. Copperx, BitPay, and CoinPayments are popular hosted payment systems, while Electrum, Mycelium, and Bitcoin Core are popular non-hosted payment systems.
  3. Integrate the payment processor with your website or point-of-sale system: Once you have chosen a Bitcoin payment processor, you will need to integrate it with your website or point-of-sale system. This will involve adding a Bitcoin payment option to your website or point-of-sale system and configuring the payment processor to accept Bitcoin payments.
  4. Set transaction fees and limits: You can set transaction fees and limits for Bitcoin payments to ensure that you are not overcharged or undercharged for Bitcoin transactions.
  5. Monitor Bitcoin payments: Finally, you will need to monitor Bitcoin payments to ensure that they are processed correctly and that there are no issues or discrepancies with the payments.

Looking for the best Bitcoin wallets of 2023? Here are some top picks based on your needs:

  • For maximum security, the Trezor Model T is a standout option with advanced protection features such as a touch screen, PIN code, and passphrase protection.
  • If integration with other services is important, the Ledger Nano X is a great choice that can work with a range of platforms, including exchanges and other wallet services.
  • Advanced users may appreciate the versatility of Electrum, which offers a variety of customization options and advanced features.
  • Beginners can't go wrong with Exodus, a user-friendly wallet that makes buying, selling, and managing crypto easy.
  • Finally, for those on-the-go, Mycelium is a top pick for mobile users with a sleek interface and convenient features.

Pros and Cons of Accepting Bitcoin

Advantages of accepting Bitcoin

  1. Low transaction fees: Bitcoin transactions can have lower fees than traditional payment methods like credit cards or PayPal.
  2. No chargebacks: Once a Bitcoin transaction is confirmed, it cannot be reversed, which means merchants don't have to worry about chargebacks.
  3. Global payments: Bitcoin can be used to send and receive payments from anywhere in the world, without worrying about exchange rates or other barriers.
  4. Growing user base: As more people become interested in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, accepting Bitcoin payments can attract new customers to a business.
  5. Anonymity: Bitcoin transactions are generally more private and anonymous than traditional payment methods, which can be a selling point for customers concerned about privacy.

Disadvantages of accepting Bitcoin

  1. Volatility: The value of Bitcoin can be highly volatile, which means that if a merchant accepts Bitcoin as payment, they may be subject to unexpected fluctuations in the value of their sales.
  2. Security concerns: Bitcoin transactions are irreversible, which means that if a hacker gains access to a merchant's Bitcoin wallet, they could steal all the funds without any way to recover them.
  3. Limited acceptance: While Bitcoin is becoming more popular, it is still not as widely accepted as traditional payment methods, which means that accepting Bitcoin payments may not be practical for all merchants.
  4. Technical complexity: Setting up a Bitcoin payment system can be more complex than traditional payment methods, which may be a barrier for some merchants.
  5. Regulatory concerns: The regulatory environment around Bitcoin is still developing, and merchants accepting Bitcoin may be subject to additional legal and regulatory requirements.

Setting up a Bitcoin Payment System

Choosing a Bitcoin Payment Service Provider

When setting up a Bitcoin payment system, it's important to choose a reliable and secure Bitcoin payment service provider. Some popular options include Copperx, Coinbase, and Bitpay.

Factors to consider when selecting a provider include the fees charged, security measures in place, and the types of payment methods supported.

  • Copperx: One of the most popular Bitcoin payment service providers, Copperx allows businesses to easily accept Bitcoin payments and also offers a merchant dashboard for easy tracking of transactions. Copperx also offers a range of integration options, including plugins for popular e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce and it supports Matic, ETH, BNB and others as well.
  • Coinbase: Another popular option, Coinbase allows businesses to accept Bitcoin payments. Coinbase also supports a range of other cryptocurrencies and offers a mobile app for easy access.
  • CoinGate: CoinGate allows businesses to accept Bitcoin payments with no setup or monthly fees, and offers a range of integrations with popular e-commerce platforms. CoinGate also offers instant conversion to fiat currency and allows businesses to receive payouts in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.
Provider Fees Payment Methods Supported Integration options
Copperx 1% Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, BSC Woocommerce
Coinbase 1% Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash, Ethereum, Litecoin Woocommerce, Shopify, Magento and more
Coingate 1% Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and others Woocommerce, Shopify, Opencart and more

Setting up a Bitcoin Payment System with a Bitcoin Payment Service Provider

Setting up a Bitcoin Payment System with a Bitcoin Payment Service Provider

Once you've selected a Bitcoin payment service provider, setting up a Bitcoin payment system typically involves the following steps:

  1. Create an account with the Bitcoin payment service provider and complete any necessary verification steps.
  2. Set up a Bitcoin wallet to receive payments. This can be done through the payment service provider or through a separate Bitcoin wallet service.
  3. Integrate the Bitcoin payment system into your website or point of sale system. This typically involves adding a plugin or widget provided by the payment service provider.
  4. Test the Bitcoin payment system to ensure it is functioning properly.

Accepting Bitcoin Payments

When you start accepting Bitcoin payments, there are a few things you need to consider to ensure a smooth process:

Choosing a Payment Method

There are several ways you can accept Bitcoin payments, including:

  • Directly accepting Bitcoin payments: You can display a Bitcoin wallet address on your website or in-store, allowing customers to transfer the payment directly to your wallet.
  • Using a payment processor: There are several Bitcoin payment processors available that allow you to accept Bitcoin payments, convert them into fiat currency, and transfer the funds to your bank account. Some popular options include Copper, Coinbase and BitPay.

Accepting a Bitcoin Payment

To accept a Bitcoin payment, you need to:

  1. Provide the customer with the Bitcoin wallet address or QR code.
  2. The customer sends the Bitcoin payment to the provided address.
  3. The payment is verified by the Bitcoin network.
  4. The payment is transferred to your Bitcoin wallet.

Receiving Bitcoin Payments

When you receive a Bitcoin payment, it is stored in your Bitcoin wallet. You can hold onto the Bitcoin and use it to make purchases, or you can convert it to fiat currency.

Currency Conversion

If you choose to convert your Bitcoin payments to fiat currency, you can use a Bitcoin payment processor that offers this service. The processor will convert the Bitcoin to your chosen currency and transfer the funds to your bank account.

Best Practices

To ensure a smooth Bitcoin payment process, it's important to follow best practices, such as:

  • Displaying the Bitcoin payment option prominently on your website or in-store.
  • Providing clear instructions on how to make a Bitcoin payment.
  • Confirming the receipt of the payment with the customer.
  • Keeping track of Bitcoin payments and conversions in your accounting records.

Tax Implications of Accepting Bitcoin Payments

When you accept Bitcoin payments, you need to consider the tax implications. In most countries, Bitcoin is treated as property for tax purposes, which means that any gains or losses from the sale or exchange of Bitcoin are subject to capital gains tax.

It's important to keep accurate records of all Bitcoin transactions and consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance with applicable tax laws.


As the world becomes more digital, accepting Bitcoin payments can provide a range of benefits for businesses. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that is secure and fast, making it an attractive payment option for businesses and customers alike. Accepting Bitcoin payments can offer a number of advantages, such as lower transaction fees, faster payment processing times, and a wider customer base. However, there are also some disadvantages to consider, such as price volatility and the potential for fraud.

To accept Bitcoin payments, businesses can choose a Bitcoin payment service provider and set up a Bitcoin payment system. This involves creating a Bitcoin wallet and integrating a Bitcoin payment system into the business's website or point-of-sale system.

When accepting Bitcoin payments, businesses should consider the payment method, how to accept the payment, how to receive the payment, currency conversion, and best practices. It's also important to be aware of the tax implications of accepting Bitcoin payments.

Overall, accepting Bitcoin payments can be a worthwhile option for businesses looking to expand their payment options and reach a wider customer base.

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Aditya sharma

Aditya sharma

Simplifying Blockchain Payments. Fintech aficionado

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